
Third Party event

Soil Health for a Sustainable Future

The Soil Health for a Sustainable Future is an online event scheduled on the 12th December 2023 at 9.30. The NOVASOIL toolbox will be developed with the guidance of a multidisciplinary team of experts with experience in developing soil health business models based on sustainable crop and soil management.
Third Party event

European Mission Soil Week

Madrid, Spain

The European Mission Soil Week will take place in Madrid, Spain on 21-23 November 2023. It will give visibility to the importance of soil protection, restoration and monitoring, and discuss solutions towards more sustainable land management.

Third Party event

Third EU Soil Observatory Stakeholders Forum

Online, virtual event & Madrid, Spain
This annual event organised by the JRC aims to create a space for exchange among the soil community – policy makers, scientists working on soil and related areas, local actors, civil society representatives and citizens.
Third Party event

Global Symposium on Soils and Water

Hybrid Event

The Global Symposium on Soils and Water (GSOWA23) will be held in a hybrid format from 02 to 05 October 2023.

Third Party event

OLLD - Open Living Lab Days 2023

Barcelona, Spain
Open Living Lab Days 2023: Living Labs for an Era of Transitions - How human-centric innovation is shaping society. Barcelona, Sept 21-23, 2023. Join the global gathering of innovators!
Third Party event

European Healthy Soils Conference

Muttenz, Switzerland
This first edition of the European Healthy Soils Conference Series will address the relevance of healthy soils and soil fertility as prerequisite for a functioning society, environment, economy, and climate. NATI00NS will be there!

Core elements and specificities of the Living Lab topics

This webinar will provide participants with key information on the process to apply for the Living Labs topics part of the Horizon Europe Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ call.

Governance and Business Models for setting up a Living Lab

In this webinar, participants will learn about the different types of governance models and how to build a governance model that incorporates a variety of actors.

The Living Lab essential – how to set up a Living Lab

This first webinar in our capacity building series covers all the basic aspects of Living Labs, taking into consideration all land use types and Mission Specific objectives.
National event

Seminārs “Vai mums ir veselīga augsne? Augsnes problēmas un inovatīvi risinājumi tās atveseļošanā”

LLKC centrālais birojs
LLKC Vides nodaļa sadarbībā ar Lietuvas Lauksaimniecības konsultāciju dienestu 5. jūnijā no pulksten 8.30 – 12.30 organizē klātienes semināru “Vai mums ir veselīga augsne? Augsnes problēmas un inovatīvi risinājumi tās atveseļošanā”.
National event

Living Lab za zdravlje tla financirani su od strane Horizon Europe – kooperacijski projekti poljoprivrednika I znanstvenika

Zagreb University & Online
Agencija Express Innovation u suradnji s Hrvatskim tloznanstvenim društvom i Hrvatskom Zajednicom Inovatora organizira događaj na temu Living lab za zdravlje tla u okviru projekta NATI00NS, financiranoga od strane Horizon Europe.
National event

Suomalainen verkostoitumistilaisuus - etätoteutus

Online, virtual event
Maaperämissioon liittyvien innovaatioiden ja ratkaisujen edistämiseksi tehdään nyt suuria investointeja Living Lab ympäristöjen perustamiseen. Living Labeissa paikalliset sidosryhmät työskentelevät yhdessä löytääkseen ratkaisuja maaperän terveyteen liittyviin alueellisiin haasteisiin.
National event

EL mullamissiooni seminar: Milline on meie muldade seisund ja kuidas saavad aidata eluslaborid?

Teaduse 4, 75501 Saku
Mullamissiooni tegevuste käivitamiseks on ellu kutsutud mitu EL ülest projekti. Projekti NATI00NS  eesmärk on aidata liikmesriikide asjalisi mullatervise eluslaborite võrgustiku loomisel.
National event

Efling samstarfs á Íslandi – rafræn vinnustofa

Online, virtual event
Til að efla nýsköpun og lausnir tengdum ESB leiðöngrum, “A Soil Deal for Europe”, eru í bígerð stórar fjárfestingar til að stofna Lifandi Rannsóknarstofur, þar sem svæðisbundnir hagaðilar munu vinna saman að því að finna lausnir á svæðisbundnum vandamálum tengdum jarðvegsheilbrigði.
National event

NATI00NS - Nasjonalt arrangement i Norge om EUs samfunnsoppdrag om jordhelse

Online, virtual event
Velkommen til et digitalt arbeidsseminar om hvordan vi kan styrke arbeidet med forbedring av jordhelse gjennom levende laboratorium/Living Labs i Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe". 
National event

Nationaal Engagement Evenement over de EU bodem missie - Nederland

Aeres Hogeschool Dronten, Wisentweg 12, Dronten
Het NATI00NS-project, gefinancierd door het Horizon Europe-programma, organiseert ”National Engagement Events” in heel Europa om de bodemmissie te promoten en partijen te stimuleren om Living Labs voor gezonde, vitale bodems op te zetten.
National event

Ogólnopolskie Spotkanie dotyczące Zaangażowania w Misję Glebową UE w Polsce

Online, virtual event
IUNG-PIB i Projekt NATI00NS zapraszają na spotkanie dotyczące Misji Glebowej i Żywych Laboratoriów oraz udziału w projektach Horyzontu Europa prowadzonych w ramach tej misji.
National event

NATI00NS Настан за национален ангажман во Северна Македонија: Здрава почва + зелени бизниси = инвестиции во нашата иднина

Europe House Скопје (хибриден настан)
NATI00NS е европски проект финансиран во рамките на програмата HORIZON, координиран од Универзитетот Архус од Данска. Главната цел на NATI00NS е да допре и да ги подготви регионалните и националните чинители од Европа да аплицираат и да имплементираат т.н Живи лаборатории (Living Labs), придонесувајќи за мисијата на ЕУ „Договор за почвата за Европа“.
National event

National Engagement Event on the EU Soil Mission - Armenia

Conference Hall of the National Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan
Trust-IT, within the framework of the NATI00NS project, together with the Scientific and Innovation Partnership Assistance Centre (SIPAC), organises this event that will take place in Yerevan on May 12th, but will also be held online via the Zoom Meeting Platform.
National event

National Engagement Event on the EU Soil Mission - Czech Republic

Technology Centre Prague, Ve Struhach 1076/27, 160 00 Prague 6
In the Czech national engagement event we will explore the value of soils and understand the importance of land management patterns across all sectors and scales (local, regional, national, etc.) to enable soil restoration while contributing to net-zero emissions, resource-efficient, smart and circular production and consumption systems.
National event

Zdravo zemljište, zdrav život - predstavljanje prilika fondova Evropske Unije za projekte koji se bave unapređenjem zemljišta

Zgrada Područne privredne komore Banja Luka, Branka Ćopića 6, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina
Institut BioSens Srbija, u okviru projekta NATI00NS, u saradnji sa HRTD Klasterom, Područnom privrednom komorom Banja Luka i Smart Village Knežica organizuje hibridni događaj koji će se održati  u petak 05. Maja 2023. godine, od 11 do 14 časova, u zgradi Područne privredne komore Banja Luka, Branka Ćopića 6, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina.
National event

National Engagement Event in Malta

In the framework of the online engagement event in Malta, the NATI00NS project will assist and mediate the mission, addressing key awareness-raising messages to national stakeholders.
National event

ევროკავშირის ნიადაგის მისიის (EU Soil Mission) ეროვნული ჩართულობის ღონისძიება

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
The NATI00NS national engagement events raise awareness of the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” among national and regional stakeholders, providing access to quality-checked materials and information, spurring the discussions on the best Living Lab (LL) setups to address regional soil needs, and fostering early matchmaking for cross-regional LL clusters.
National event

Événement d'engagement national du projet NATI00NS - Tunisia

Tunisie, Hôtel Laico Tunis & Online
Sous la coordination de BUSINESSMED et dans le cadre de l’évènement d’engagement en Tunisie, le projet NATI00NS assistera et agira en tant que médiateur pour la mission, en adressant les principaux messages de sensibilisation aux parties prenantes nationales.
National event

Lietuvos dirvožemio dabartis ir ateitis. Bendradarbiavimo sprendimai sveiko dirvožemio išsaugojimui

Mokymų centro „Agroakademija” konferencijų salė, Akademija, Kėdainių r.
Mokymų centre „Agroakademija“ organizuotas seminaras apie Lietuvos dirvožemio dabartį, ateitį ir išsaugojimą – tarptautinio projekto „NATIOONS“ renginys, sujungęs Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnybos, Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro, Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministerijos, Lietuvos mokslo tarybos specialistus.
National event

Εθνική εκδήλωση για την αποστολή της ΕΕ για το έδαφος - Ελλάδα

Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή, «Αλίκη Περρωτής» του Perrotis College (Δ/νση: Μ. Αντύπα 54), αίθουσα Seth Frank, Θεσσαλονίκη
Τα Ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα Horizon Europe για τα έτη 2021-2027 αποτελούν δράσεις έρευνας και καινοτομίας. Ο στόχος της αποστολής «A Soil Deal for Europe» είναι να δημιουργήσει και να χρηματοδοτήσει 100 Living Labs και Lighthouses για να συμβάλουν στη μετάβαση προς υγιή εδάφη έως το 2030. 
National event

National Engagement Event on the EU Soil Mission - Luxembourg

Online - Zoom Meeting Platform
ENoLL, in the framework of the NATI00NS project together with Luxinnovation and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) organised the National Engagement Event in Luxembourg
National event

National Engagement Event on EU Soil Mission in Montenegro

Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, Donja Gorica, Podgorica & Online
Centar izvrsnosti (FoodHub), Univerziteta Donja Gorica kao koorganizator događaja, u saradnji sa Institutom BioSens, u okviru projekta NATI00NS, organizuje hibridni događaj koji će se održati  u utorak 25. Aprila 2023. godine, od 12 do 15 časova, u zgradi Univerziteta Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, Donja Gorica, Podgorica.
National event

Misia Pôda s vami počíta! - Slovensko

CVTI SR, Lamačská cesta 8A , Bratislava; konferenčná miestnosť 235
V tomto kontexte organizuje národná kancelária HORIZONTU CVTI SR v spolupráci s Národným poľnohospodárskym a potravinárskym centrom a konzorciom projektu NATI00NS národné podujatie zamerané na angažovanosť v misii, regionálne potreby a podporu nadväzovania kontaktov, ale aj na predstavenie príležitostí na predloženie žiadostí v rámci otvorenej výzvy Misie Pôda.
National event

Misije: Novost programa Obzorje Evropa - Slovenia

Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije, Velika dvorana, Masarykova 16, Ljubljana
Sektor za znanost Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije vas vabi na dogodek MISIJE: Novost programa Obzorja Evropa.