Soil Health for a Sustainable Future

Soil Health for a Sustainable Future with NOVASOIL - banner

The NOVASOIL Soil Health for a Sustainable Future is an online event scheduled on the 12th December 2023 at 9.30 CET. The event aims to introduce a comprehensive toolbox featuring good practices, models, and business cases from diverse regions, all aimed at promoting sustainable soil management under various land uses and climatic conditions.

The soil health is crucial for providing food, clean water, biodiversity habitats, and essential services. NOVASOIL invites the soil experts to participate in the event and contribute to the development of the Decision Support Tool.

The event is structured as follows:

  • Introduction to the NOVASOIL Project
  • Case Studies of Successful Business Models related to soil health
  • Decision-Making Support Tool

Discover the potential of a web-based application designed to assist users, including farmers, businesses, and policymakers, in making informed decisions about soil management. Participate in its co-development and contribute to shaping its effectiveness.

More info and the registration form on here.

Third Party event