National event
NATI00NS National Engagement Event in Malta Supporting the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" across national communities to establish 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses
Malta Council for Science and Technology, Dawret Fra Giovanni Bichi Kalkara, KKR 1320
The ambitious EU mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" aims to create 100 regional "Living Labs" and "Lighthouses", knowledge, and innovation centers, jointly creating and testing soil management practices and solutions to improve soil health.
National event
NATI00NS – Finansiranje projekata iz oblasti zaštite i unapređenja tla: EU programi i perspektive
Pridružite nam se na važnom događaju posvećenom stanju tla u Bosni i Hercegovini i mogućnostima finansiranja projekata za njegovu zaštitu i unapređenje.
National event
Greek National Event of NATI00NS project: the Soil Mission and Living Labs calls 2024
Αμερικανικής Γεωργικής Σχολής (Διεύθυνση: Μ. Αντύπα 54)
Το Fundecyt-Pctex, στο πλαίσιο του έργου NATI00NS, σε συνεργασία με την Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή, διοργανώνει την εκδήλωση «Ελληνική Εθνική Εκδήλωση του έργου NATI00NS: Η Αποστολή Έδαφος και τα Ζωντανά Εργαστήρια καλούν 2024», η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 21 Μαΐου, από τις 10:30 έως τις 13:30 ώρα Ελλάδας, στις εγκαταστάσεις της Αμερικανικής Γεωργικής Σχολής (διεύθυνση: Μ. Αντύπα 54), στο Αμφιθέατρο ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ, και θα μεταδοθεί και μέσω διαδικτύου.
National event
Journée d’information Mission Sol et laboratoires vivants
Le projet Nati00ns et Vegepolis Valley organisent cet événement national sur la mise en œuvre au Portugal des Laboratoires vivants de la Mission Solos, dans le cadre du programme Horizon Europe, qui aura lieu le 17 mai, de 09h00 à 15h30, à la Maison du Végétal de Vegepolis Valley à Angers, avec un format d'accès à distance dans la matinée.
National event
National Engagement Event in Luxembourg
ENoLL – the European Network of Living Labs, in the framework of the NATI00NS project together with the Luxinnovation are organising the National Engagement Event in Luxembourg that will take place on the 16th of May at 10:00 to 12:00, with the possibility of live translation in German and French.
National event
Altın Yunus Hotel & Spa, Çeşme, İzmir
EIT Food ve Yaşar Üniversitesi ortaklığında düzenlenen TOPRAK SAĞLIĞI VE MODERN BİTKİ BESLEME TEKNİKLERİ etkinliği, 16 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde Altın Yunus Hotel & Spa, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye'de gerçekleşecektir.
Nati00ns, “2030’a kadar toprak sağlığının tesis edilmesi” hedefini benimseyen ve bu doğrultuda 100 “yaşam laboratuvarı” ve “deniz feneri”nin kurulmasına öncülük eden AB Toprak Misyonu’nun uygulanması doğrultusunda çalışmalar yapmaktadır.
National event
LIVING LABS da Missão Solo do Horizonte Europa: implementação em Portugal
Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra
As Missões Europeias são uma novidade do Programa para a investigação e inovação Horizonte Europa, a decorrer de 2021 a 2027. O objetivo da Missão Solos é ser um precursor, demonstrador e catalisador da transição para solos saudáveis em 2030, por meio de ações ambiciosas em 100 laboratórios vivos.
National event
Nationaal Engagement Evenement over de EU bodem missie - Nederland
Soil Valley, Giesbeek
Op 14 mei organiseert RVO, in samenwerking met het Europese project NATI00NS, een nationaal engagement evenement over de EU bodem missie. De Europese Commissie lanceerde in 2021 de missie 'A Soil Deal for Europe' met als doel 100 Living Labs & Lighthouses door heel Europa op te richten om de transitie naar gezonde bodems in 2030 in te zetten. Binnenkort zullen de eerste Living Labs officieel van start gaan.
National event
100 Living Lab e Lighthouse per la salute del suolo - opportunità di finanziamento 2024
Online e in presenza presso Roma Eventi, Aula Manzoni, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Roma.
Il 13 maggio 2024 a Roma (e online) si terrà l'evento nazionale sulla Missione Suolo dell'Unione Europea: 100 Living Lab e Lighthouse per la salute del suolo - opportunità di finanziamento 2024 organizzato da Trust-It Services e Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con altri partner istituzionali.
National event
Northern Europe matchmaking event
Northern Europe matchmaking event takes place on 8th May 2024 to allow Northern Europe soil stakeholders find collaborators abroad.
National event
Jornada y Taller sobre Living Labs en la Misión “A soil deal for Europe” Convocatoria 2024
El proyecto NATI00NS, junto con CDTI le invitan a participar en esta jornada/taller sobre Living Labs y Lighthouses, en el marco de la convocatoria europea HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01
National event
EU Soil Mission Israel Event 2024: Funding opportunities and Key aspects for Living Lab creation
Online & at Microsoft Reactor, Derech Menachem Begin 144, Tel-Aviv
This year NATI00NS Soil Mission National Engagement Event in Israel takes place on 7th May 2024, in Tel-Aviv.
National event
UK National Engagement Event on Living Labs in the Horizon Europe Soil Mission
On 30 April 2024, the NATI00NS European project, in collaboration with UKRI in UK, is organising a National Engagement Event to raise awareness of the purpose of the soil mission, the new calls for Living Labs 2024 and how the NATI00NS project can help applicants.
National event
NATI00NS - Talajmissziós információs Nap 2024
Helyszín: Európa Pont, 1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 35.
A Nemzeti Innovációs Ügynökség 2024. április 26-án, a Horizon Europe által finanszírozott NATI00NS projekt keretében, talaj-egészségügyi élő laboratóriumok témában szakmai és pályázat-előkészítő napot szervez.
National event
Conference Room, Department of Agriculture, (Louki Akrita Avenue, 1412, Nicosia)
Εγγραφείτε τώρα και μαζί θα εξερευνήσουμε τη δημιουργία των Ζωντανών Εργαστηρίων (Living Labs) και την ανάπτυξη προτάσεων στα πλαίσια των κριτηρίων του EU Soil Mission
National event
Living Labs med fokus på markhälsa
Det kommer finnas möjlighet att delta på plats på SLU:s tre Campus samt ta del av presentationerna via länk under första timmen.
EU har identifierat markhälsa som en av de stora framtidsutmaningarna inom EU och arbetar hårt för en utveckling där vi på ett hållbart sätt tar del av och bevarar markens ekosystemtjänster.
National event
"Soluri Sustenabile NATI00NS": Eveniment național de implicare
Misiunea UE pentru sol este una dintre noutățile programului de cercetare și inovare Orizont Europa pentru anii 2021-2027 și o mare oportunitate pentru toți cei interesați.
National event
Eu Mission Soil Event: Fördermöglichkeiten Für Den Aufbau Von Living Labs
Online, virtual event
Am 23. April 2024 organisiert das europäische Projekt NATI00NS in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Hohenheim einen Info-Tag zur Bodenmission „A Soil Deal for Europe“. Fokus sind die neuen Aufrufe für die Gründung von Living Labs 2024 und wie das NATI00NS-Projekt Bewerbern helfen kann.
National event
Finnish National Engagement event – Digital Work Seminar
Welcome to a digital work seminar to support the transition to healthy soils through Living labs within the EU soil mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”. This is the second round of NATI00NS national engagement events with the aim to put the Soil Health Mission in an Finnish context and engage participants to establishing EU Soil Health Living Labs on Finland.
National event
Efling samstarfs á Íslandi – rafræn vinnustofa
Velkomin á rafræna vinnustofu til að styðja við umskiptin: Heilbrigðari jarðvegur gegnum Lifandi rannsóknarstofur (e. Living Labs). Vinnustofan er hluti af jarðvegsleiðangri Evrópusambandsins, “A Soil Deal for Europe”. Viðburðurinn fjallar um heilbrigðan jarðveg (e.
National event
Åpen digital kafé – Horisont Europa – Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" – Levende laboratorier
Online, virtual event
Vi inviterer til et norsk engasjementsmøte om EUs samfunnsoppdrag "Jordhelse" sammen med NATI00NS EU-prosjektet.
Third Party event
HuMUS Webinar: Soil Health Training
Online, virtual event
The HuMUS Project invites you to an interactive webinar on Wednesday, March 20, at 11:00-12:30 am CET to discuss training and education for improving soil health.
Third Party event
European Carbon Farming Summit
Espacio ADEIT - Espacio ADEIT - Fundación Universidad - Empresa de la Universitat de València - Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001, València
The European Carbon Farming Summit is scheduled to be held in Valencia, Spain, from March 5th to March 7th 2024.
Thematic event
Soil decontamination
Online, virtual event
The sixth NATI00NS thematic event focuses on soil decontamination. It is organised by the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG).
Third Party event
BIOservicES workshop: Soil sampling, indicators and sample treatment
Online, virtual event
This workshop "Soil sampling, indicators and sample treatment" organised by the EU-funded project BIOservicES takes place on 13 February 2024 at 9:30 CET.
Thematic event
Soil health from a forest land-use perspective
Online, virtual event
The fifth NATI00NS thematic event focuses on soil health from a forestry perspective and it is organised by SLU.
Thematic event
Smart Soils: Smart Specialisation meets EU Soil Mission
Online, virtual event
The fourth NATI00NS thematic event focuses on Smart Soils: Smart Specialisation Research and Innovation Strategies (RIS3) and the Soil Mission.
Thematic event
Industry engagement for sustainable soil health: Joining living labs
Online, virtual event
The third NATI00NS thematic event focuses on joining living labs and industry engagement for sustainable soil health.
Thematic event
Beyond gender barriers in the agrifood system: Innovative women improving food & soil health
Online, virtual event
The second NATI00NS thematic event focuses on overcoming existing gender barriers in the agrifood system.
Thematic event
Breaking ground together: Solutions for urban and post-industrial soil de-sealing
Online, virtual event
The first NATI00NS thematic event focuses on soil de-sealing in urban and post-industrial areas.