Institut BioSense Institute Srbija, u okviru projekta NATI00NS, u saradnji sa HRTD Klasterom, Područnom privrednom komorom Banja Luka i DIH Smart Village Knežica organozovao hibridni događaj: “Zdravo zemljište, zdrav život - predstavljanje prilika fondova Evropske Unije za projekte koji se bave unaprijeđenjem zemljišta - Bosna i Hercegovina” Događaj je imao za cilj da omogući umrežavanje unutar zainteresovanih strana u BiH kao i u zemljama članicama programa HORIZON EUROPE kroz potencijalne prijave na konkurse za živuće laboratorije.
The Horizon Europe project NATI00NS contributes to the Soil Mission objectives by mobilising potential applicants for regional soil health Living Labs open calls funded by the Mission through diverse events whose main results will be reported back to provide policy recommendations and inputs for potential future calls.
Giulia Campodonico, Head of Projects at ENoLL, provides an overview of the Living Labs and Lighthouses concepts and their importance within the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe".
The Horizon Europe project NATI00NS contributes to the Soil Mission objectives by mobilising potential applicants for regional soil health Living Labs open calls funded by the Mission through a range of engagement events and capacity building activities.
Niels Halberg, NATI00NS Project Coordinator at Aarhus University, provides an overview of the project and its role as messenger of the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" across national communities.