NATI00NS concludes the second round of National Engagement Events

26 July 2024

The NATI00NS project has successfully wrapped up its second round of National Engagement Events (NEE), providing crucial support for applicants to the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe." This latest series of events, running from mid-April to mid-July 2024, spanned 44 EU Member States and Associated Countries and attracted nearly 2,600 participants, building on the success of the first round.

Timely support to the Mission Soil topics establishing the SHLLs

These engagement events, coinciding with the publication of the Mission Soil call for proposals on April 17, 2024, have served as a vital platform for disseminating information about funding opportunities and application processes. The NEEs have played a pivotal role in preparing potential applicants, offering comprehensive insights into proposal preparation, and facilitating valuable networking, matchmaking, and pitching opportunities.

Accessible Resources in Multiple Languages

To ensure accessibility and in-depth understanding, NATI00NS made all materials from these events available on their website, YouTube channel, and Zenodo Community. While the application process for the Mission Soil call is in English, the materials from the national engagement events are provided in respective national languages, allowing for a more nuanced comprehension of the requirements and opportunities.

Ongoing support through Helpdesk and Pathway

The NATI00NS Helpdesk continues to offer support, addressing a wide range of queries from Open Call rules and eligibility criteria to scientific and technical questions related to living lab criteria and soil health. Additionally, the project has developed a "Pathway to a competitive proposal," a step-by-step guide to assist applicants in crafting strong applications for the Soil Mission's Open Calls.


In line with its commitment to comprehensive support, NATI00NS has already conducted a series of webinars providing tailored advice on specific topics. These webinars are now available on the NATI00NS website, offering an additional resource for applicants to refine their proposals.

SOILL-Startup takes the baton

As the NATI00NS project approaches its conclusion in October 2024, the SOILL-Startup project, which began in January 2024, is already in operation. This ongoing project is set to build upon NATI00NS' legacy, extending support not only to applicants but also to the entire network of Mission Soil Living Labs and Lighthouses.

Momentum builds for sustainable soil management

The success of the engagement events and the robust support system highlight the growing momentum behind the EU Soil Mission. As the application process continues, land managers, researchers, public authorities, associations, and businesses are encouraged to leverage these resources and contribute to this critical initiative for sustainable soil management across Europe and beyond.

Second round of NATI00NS National Engagement Events