
Below you can find a list of national mentors, appointed by the NATI00NS project to help you with the process of applying for the Soil Health Living Lab call.

They can help encourage and enable you as a potential applicant to organise ideas around a specific soil health challenge at regional level, and advise you on how to go through the initial phases of establishing a Living Lab. The mentors are working under the limits of a non-disclosure agreement, which means you can securely share and discuss your ideas and potential partnerships with them.

At the moment we do not have mentors in all European Union Member States and Associated Countries. Feel free to contact a mentor from another country than yours if needed.

Country/Region Mentors
  • Anahit Khachikyan, National Academy of Sciences of RA, Leading expert and Project Manager - EU HE NCP for MSCA, EIC, HEALTH & CL6 - Contact
  • Mr. Karen Ghazaryan, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University, Deputy Dean - Contact
  • Alla Aleksanyan, Armenian National Agrarian University, Coordinator of International Grant Projects - Contact
  • Theresa van Hoesel, FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency, National Contact Point Cluster 6 (incl. Mission Soil) - Contact
  • (Flanders) Ria De Breucker, VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship, NCP: AGRO-FOOD, ENVIRONMENT, EIT - Contact

Czech Republic
  • Dr. Karel Klem, CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute CAS - Contact
  • Dr. Martin Mistr, Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation - Contact
  • Niels Gøtke, Uddannelses - og Forskningsministeriet. Fødevarer, bioøkonomi, naturressourcer, landbrug og miljø, Kontorchef - Contact
  • Katrin Saar, Estonian Research Council (ETAG), Department of International Cooperation, Adviser & NCP - Contact
  • Anni Kleino, Academy of Finland - Division of Biosciences, Health and Environmental Research, Science Adviser, PhD - Contact
  • Christophe Schwartz - Contact
  • Flavien Poincot, Ministry of Research, Coordinateur Point de Contact National Bio – Environnement - Contact
  • Wiebke Müller, NCP Missions and NCP Cluster 6, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Head of the National Contact Point for Bioeconomy and the Environment - Contact
  • Rolf Stratmann, Project management Juelich (PtJ), NCP Missions and NCP Cluster 6 - Contact
  • Michaela Pöter, Project management Juelich (PtJ), NCP Missions and NCP Cluster 6 - Contact
  • Teréz Szabo, National Research, Development and Innovation Office, National Contact Point for Cluster 6 and Soil Mission - Contact
  • Prof Borbála Bíró, Scientific Advisor, Former member of the Soil Mission board - Contact
  • Kolbrún Bjargmundsdóttir, Rannis - Contact
  • Dr. Willie Ryan, Research, Food & CODEX Co-Ordination - Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, NCP for Cluster 6 and the Soil Mission - Contact
  • dr. Monika Vilkienė, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, RDI Project Coordinator - Contact
  • Gudrun Langthaler, Forskningsrådet - research council. EU projects - Contact
  • Katarzyna Markiewicz - Contact 
  • Adrianna Pawlik, NCBR, Expert | Internal Experts Section - Contact
  • Bożena Podlaska, NCBR – NCP Cluster 6 - Contact
  • Cláudia Sá, DGADR - Contact
  • Cândida Rodrigues, DGADR - Contact
  • Maria João Fernandes, ANI - Contact
  • Mignon Severus Sandor, The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca - Contact
  • Dajana Vujaklija, BioSense Institute - Contact
  • Cristina Gallardo Rey, FUNDECYT-PCTEX, R&D&I Internationalization - European Projects Office. University of Extremadura, Project Manager - Contact
  • Mrs. Ayşe Çınar ÖNER, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), EU Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Food and Agriculture National Contact Point - Contact
  • Mr. Azmi Serhat YILDIRIM, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), EU Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Food and Agriculture National Contact Point - Contact
  • Merve Polat, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), Horizon Europe Cluster 6 National Contact Point - Contact
United Kingdom
  • Elaine Groom, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland Contact Point covering the areas of Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and the Environment (Cluster 6) - Contact

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