Matchmaking opportunities

Transnational matchmaking platform

NATI00NS manages an online matchmaking event on B2Match, enabling international stakeholders to meet online for creating partnerships and establish Living Labs or Lighthouses in line with the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe.

The long-term online platform will be accessible from March 2023 to October 2024 to offer applicants the opportunity to schedule online meetings with potential project partners for the creation of urban, agro, post-industrial or forestry Living Labs and Lighthouses under the topics EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe". The tool is open to representatives from the public sector, scientific communities, private companies and citizen associations based in the EU Member States and Associated Countries covered by the NATI00NS project.

NATI00NS will organize a two-day Matchmaking event on June 11th and 12th 2024 to help applicants form consortia and locate eligible stakeholders for the new EU Soil Mission call.
Each event focuses on two specific subjects from the call to build Soil Health Living Labs and Lighthouses:

Register here for June 11

Register here for June 12



11 June

12 June


Welcome and Housekeeping

10:05- 10:15

Short overview of Soil Mission


Call topic “Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Lab” and NATI00NS Support to applicants

Call topic “Living Labs in urban areas for healthy soils” and NATI00NS Support to applicants

10:30- 10:45

Introduction to the Matchmaking Platform

10:45 - 11:00 Q&A about the Matchmaking Platform
11:00 – 11:30 Matchmaking Session

Create your account on the b2match platform and get in contact with international stakeholders potentially interested in joining you in the creation of a soil health Living Lab or Lighthouse to apply for the Horizon Europe calls. An online matching event will be accessible throughout all the duration of the NATI00NS project to offer applicants the opportunity to meet potential project partners for the creation of urban, agro, post-industrial or forestry Living Labs and Lighthouses under the EU Soil Mission.


The tool is open to representatives from the public sector, scientific communities, private companies and citizen associations based on the EU Member States and Associated Countries represented in the NATI00NS project.

Access the matchmaking platform