
National event

UK National Engagement Event on Living Labs in the Horizon Europe Soil Mission

On 30 April 2024, the NATI00NS European project, in collaboration with UKRI in UK, is organising a National Engagement Event to raise awareness of the purpose of the soil mission, the new calls for Living Labs 2024 and how the NATI00NS project can help applicants.
National event

EU Soil Mission Israel Event 2024: Funding opportunities and Key aspects for Living Lab creation

Online & at Microsoft Reactor, Derech Menachem Begin 144, Tel-Aviv
This year NATI00NS Soil Mission National Engagement Event in Israel takes place on 7th May 2024, in Tel-Aviv.
National event

Jornada y Taller sobre Living Labs 
en la Misión “A soil deal for Europe” Convocatoria 2024

El proyecto NATI00NS, junto con CDTI le invitan a participar en esta jornada/taller sobre Living Labs y Lighthouses, en el marco de la convocatoria europea HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01
National event

Northern Europe matchmaking event

Northern Europe matchmaking event takes place on 8th May 2024 to allow Northern Europe soil stakeholders find collaborators abroad.
National event

100 Living Lab e Lighthouse per la salute del suolo - opportunità di finanziamento 2024

Online e in presenza presso Roma Eventi, Aula Manzoni, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Roma.
Il 13 maggio 2024 a Roma (e online) si terrà l'Evento nazionale sulla Missione Suolo dell'Unione Europea: 100 Living Lab e Lighthouse per la salute del suolo - opportunità di finanziamento 2024 organizzato da Trust-It Services e Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con altri partner istituzionali.
National event

Nationaal Engagement Evenement over de EU bodem missie - Nederland

Soil Valley, Giesbeek
Op 14 mei organiseert RVO, in samenwerking met het Europese project NATI00NS, een nationaal engagement evenement over de EU bodem missie. De Europese Commissie lanceerde in 2021 de missie 'A Soil Deal for Europe' met als doel 100 Living Labs & Lighthouses door heel Europa op te richten om de transitie naar gezonde bodems in 2030 in te zetten. Binnenkort zullen de eerste Living Labs officieel van start gaan.
National event

LIVING LABS da Missão Solo do Horizonte Europa: implementação em Portugal

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra
As Missões Europeias são uma novidade do Programa para a investigação e inovação Horizonte Europa, a decorrer de 2021 a 2027. O objetivo da Missão Solos é ser um precursor, demonstrador e catalisador da transição para solos saudáveis em 2030, por meio de ações ambiciosas em 100 laboratórios vivos.
National event


Altın Yunus Hotel & Spa, Çeşme, İzmir
EIT Food ve Yaşar Üniversitesi ortaklığında düzenlenen TOPRAK SAĞLIĞI VE MODERN BİTKİ BESLEME TEKNİKLERİ etkinliği, 16 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde Altın Yunus Hotel & Spa, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye'de gerçekleşecektir. Nati00ns, “2030’a kadar toprak sağlığının tesis edilmesi” hedefini benimseyen ve bu doğrultuda 100 “yaşam laboratuvarı” ve “deniz feneri”nin kurulmasına öncülük eden AB Toprak Misyonu’nun uygulanması doğrultusunda çalışmalar yapmaktadır.
National event

National Engagement Event in Luxembourg

ENoLL – the European Network of Living Labs, in the framework of the NATI00NS project together with the Luxinnovation are organising the National Engagement Event in Luxembourg that will take place on the 16th of May at 10:00 to 12:00, with the possibility of live translation in German and French.
National event

Journée d’information Mission Sol et laboratoires vivants

Le projet Nati00ns et Vegepolis Valley organisent cet événement national sur la mise en œuvre au Portugal des Laboratoires vivants de la Mission Solos, dans le cadre du programme Horizon Europe, qui aura lieu le 17 mai, de 09h00 à 15h30, à la Maison du Végétal de Vegepolis Valley à Angers, avec un format d'accès à distance dans la matinée.